Vastu and construction :

Vastushastra or sthaptya veda found its first mention in “bhagwatam” by Ved Vyasa and is almost a 5000 years old treatise. Vastu shastra may broadly be defined as the science of construction, which lays emphasis on making structures that conform to the laws of nature and gives an elaborate view on how laws of nature affect human dwellings.

The main factors taken into consideration in the science of vastushastra are the five great elements or the panchmahabhootas –air /water/ether/fire/earth and the 4main directions and 4 sub directions . The science of Vastu advises us to make structures which are aligned in such a way, that benefits of all five gr8 elements and 8 directions are utilized to create a congenial living and working environment..thereby facilitating spiritual well being and paving way for enhanced health, wealth and prosperity.

To start with, vastu shastra believes that once an open space gets embodied in 4 walls , it develops a character of its own and starts vibrating with energy ; positive or negative ..depending upon its orientation , openings , water sources, and other vastulogical factors . Vastu shastra , then, aims at creating structures which create a harmony between ...MAN- HIS DWELLING-& THE COSMOS by balancing the source and sink energies with in the structure.

Vastu shastra is non religious ,intercultural, and aims at overall wellness of mankind .It should be noted that Vastushshastra is not bound just to the Indian subcontinent, but has also found huge acceptance in USA, Europe, Australia and other parts of the world due to its global appeal, scientific basis and universal application.

Vastushatra and Interiors


It is a common experience with all of us that when we enter some houses , we feel a sense of positivity and peace ; where as certain houses are not very welcoming and we donot feel very good inside them..& prefer to leave at the earliest !!

It may be due to faulty vastu construction or interiors which donot conform to vastu principles or both. There are 8 directions in vastu and each direction has a ruling planet and all 9 planets are mapped in a natives horoscope. In vastu shastra ,while doing interiors we try and use elements and colours which are in accordance to the natives astro-vastu chart and avoid using colours,shapes and forms which are anti-elements for the owner & his family. While choosing colours vastu advises us to take the 8 directions and exaltation/debilitation of planets into consideration for best results in finances, health, mental & spiritual well being & overall prosperity. In short Vastushastra says that once we construct a structure in accordance to the laws of nature , its interiors should be done in such a way that it adds to the divine ambience of the dwelling. Vastu shastra apart from giving mathematical formulae for construction (ayadi shadvarga ) also lays emphasis on other factors like classical aesthetics and principles of rhythm, balance and resonance etc.

It is a common experience with all of us that when we enter some houses , we feel a sense of positivity and peace ; where as certain houses are not very welcoming and we donot feel very good inside them..& prefer to leave at the earliest !!

It may be due to faulty vastu construction or interiors which donot conform to vastu principles or both. There are 8 directions in vastu and each direction has a ruling planet and all 9 planets are mapped in a natives horoscope. In vastu shastra ,while doing interiors we try and use elements and colours which are in accordance to the natives astro-vastu chart and avoid using colours,shapes and forms which are anti-elements for the owner & his family. While choosing colours vastu advises us to take the 8 directions and exaltation/debilitation of planets into consideration for best results in finances, health, mental & spiritual well being & overall prosperity. In short Vastushastra says that once we construct a structure in accordance to the laws of nature , its interiors should be done in such a way that it adds to the divine ambience of the dwelling. Vastu shastra apart from giving mathematical formulae for construction (ayadi shadvarga ) also lays emphasis on other factors like classical aesthetics and principles of rhythm, balance and resonance etc.